To connect with the body of Christ to reasch a 120 million souls with the Holy Ghost Fire by 2040 through various Raindrop Ministries

Partnering with Intercessors Around the World

This house, once occupied by a local Bishop, was destroyed when it was discovered that he was hosting a Raindrop Missions effort.  Because of these and other demonic attacks, it is vital that intercessors intercede regularly on behalf of its mission and Apostle Cheeseborough.  You will be notified of upcoming mission trips via mailing lists.  You can sign up for this effort through the Partner menu.

Reaching Souls For the Kingdom of Heaven

Raindrop Missions has made itself available to travel locally and abroad to reach souls to release the Holy Ghost fire.  These efforts are executed through the biblical mandate of “teaching, preaching and healing.”

According to Luke 4:18/Isaiah 61:1, Raindrop Missions has been empowered to set the captives free, as people open their hearts to the yielding of the Lord Jesus Christ.  This picture depicts the prophetic act of the appointment of Christ to set at liberty those who are captive.

In this picture a woman’s son asked for her deliverance from a suicidal spirit in a grocery store.  Raindrop Missions is willing and available for prayer and counseling as led by the Spirit of the Lord.

Even in a local restaurant a woman was experiencing pain.  Apostle Cheeseborough and another minister prayer for her.  The woman immediately received the release of the Lord and began to express tears of joy because her pain was gone.

Raindrop Missions is available to teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.  This includes retreats and seminars.  In this picture, a men’s ministry enjoyed learning biblical principles through one of our board games.

We believe in the mandate of Matthew 28:19-20 to “go into all the world…”  You can invite us to come to your city and local church to bring about revival through the Holy Ghost fire!

Raindrop Missions has provides a bible institute to train others to take the Holy Ghost fire to the nations!  We have seen multiplication of these trainings through graduate students.  These students have even traveled to Bush areas under this mandate with signs and wonders following.

Sozo (meaning “to make whole, to save, to deliver and to restore” in Greek) trains married couples to walk in covenant with each other based on biblical principles.  These couples are strengthened to become whole and are challenged to carry out the mandate of Matthew 28:19-20 by reaching one couple at a time.

Raindrop Missions provides concentrated crusades with heavy emphasis on the Holy Ghost Fire.  We are believing to release the Holy Ghost fire to attendants and to impart gifts as He (designates.  Based on Acts 1:8 and Romans 1:11

We offer advanced practical missions training based on the 20 year experience of our Apostle, Leonard Cheeseborough.  From traveling abroad to local preaching, these trainings are profitable to anyone called to international ministry.