Discovering Your It: Vision, Mission and Strategy


Discovering Your It Team Network began with the burden of the Lord, which came upon the heart of Dr. Leonard Cheeseborough to share what he has discovered in the word of God concerning the calling of the believer. People have also testified in USA, Kenya, Brazil, Uganda and Congo that they have received their calling in his Holy Ghost Fire Crusades through visions and God speaking to them directly.

In January 2017, Discovering Your It: Walking Into Your Divine Destiny was published. During February-March time frame, Dr. Leonard Cheeseoborugh was in Brasilia releasing the Holy Ghost Fire through a prayer of deliverance in many churches. He was also given three signs as to starting Discovering Your It Team Network as follows.

The 1st sign was when an apostle gave cufflinks of G12 ministry to Dr. Leonard Cheeseborough and after this apostle heard the preached word and saw the demonstration of the power of God, he also gave Dr. Leonard Cheeseborough G12 lapel pin. From this experience, he began to understand the concept of G12.

The 2nd sign was when another apostle was told by the Lord to find 12 apostles (4 from Brazil, 4 from USA, and 4 from Israel) that he may use for igniting revivals around the world. When Dr. Leonard Cheeseborough arrived at this apostle’s church, he was given a New Covenant Prayer Shawl, English/Hebrew with Bag and was asked to be one of the 12 apostles for the prayer group, 24/7 Network for USA. Dr. Leonard Cheeseborough was as well honored to preach at the initiation of a new ministry called The House of Miracles.

The 3rd sign was when Dr. Leonard Cheeseborough met a minister at his Holy Ghost Fire Crusade in America, who has a ministry called xit. This ministry is similar to Dr. Leonard’s whereby both are using the word “it” in the name but with a different focus.               

Discovering Your It was taught with a focus group, a small church membership, a house gathering, and one-on-one sessions. The students that were taught from the book were 29. Interestingly, 9 students out of 29 had dreams concerning their calling. More believers need to understand their calling so they can go and be a witness for Christ Jesus (Acts 1:8). Future participants would have the opportunity to get the teaching at the Discovering Your It Conferences or by taking the online class. Upon the completion of the Conference or online class, participants will receive a Discovering Your It Certificate.

The Vision

To establish a Global Ministers Support Team called the Discovering Your It Team Network, for the encouragement of ministers to go and be a witness of their calling, based on principles in the Holy Bible.    

The Mission

The It Network’s primary goal is to assist believers in discovering their calling by teaching them through revelation from the Holy Spirit.

The Strategy

•  Host two Discovering Your It conferences each year with guidance from The Discovering Your It Team Network.

•  Develop Discovering Your It Team led by Coordinators. Before any individual can become an It Team Leader, they must know their calling.

•  Train and identify Team Leaders. Anyone can become a Team Leader after taking the Discovering Your It class.

•  Promote continuous development of Discovering Your It teaching materials.

•  Expand membership. However, to become an It member, one must take the Discovering Your It Class. The It Team Leader is to encourage and teach 12 people how God called people to ministry in the Bible times and in our contemporary age.